Your entire family can play along with this free printable winter picture bingo and kids love these free printable winter I Spy games. Winter is a great time to unplug. Instead of staring at a screen when winter weather strikes, grab a no-prep printable that celebrates the fun parts of cold weather Just print and had them over to your eager little one with markers. These winter do a dot printables are an easy way to catch a few minutes of time without a child literally climbing your leg. In fact, she even uses her dot markers on “regular” coloring pages! If your little one loves do a dot markers, be sure to check out these additional free printable do a dot pages. My daughter adores dab a dot painting printables. These free printable winter do a dot pages are the perfect indoor activity for cold days! Grab these 12 cute winter dot marker coloring pages for free today so your little one can start having no-prep fun in minutes.